Endothelial cells aligned in the flow direction in high shear stress
regions in both the laminar and disturbed flow devices.
(a, top) BAEC phase contrast images (10×)
after 36 h of flow in the parallel plate flow chamber fitted
with either the LFG or DFG. BAECs in static conditions are shown as a
control. (a, bottom) Confocal microscopy images
(63×) showing actin fibers (rhodamine phalloidin, red) and
nuclei (bisbenzimide, blue). (b, left) Representative
F-actin fiber orientation histograms for BAEC adapted to various flow
regimes. (b, right) Quantification of actin fiber
alignment with the parallel plate flow chamber y-axis
(295 images among 29 samples, across six independent experiments).
(c, top) BAEC confocal microscopy images
(63×) after 36 h of flow, with static control, labeled
for vinculin (white). (c, bottom) Focal adhesion angle
(red: aligned within ±20 deg of the
y-axis; white: not aligned within
±20 deg of the y axis) analyzed via
matlab image segmentation, superimposed onto processed
vinculin (blue) confocal microscopy images. (d, left)
Focal adhesion angle distribution representative rose plots for BAEC
adapted to various flow regimes. (d, right)
Quantification of focal adhesion angle (absolute value) with the
parallel plate flow chamber y-axis (76 images among 24
samples, across three independent experiments). *,
**, and *** indicate
p < 0.01, 0.001, and
0.0001, respectively.