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. 2020 Feb 8;40(4):377–385. doi: 10.1007/s40261-020-00893-8

Table 1.

Study endpoints

Primary endpoint
 Change from baseline in neurocognitive function as measured by the neurocognitive composite score of the MCCB after 12 weeks of treatment
  The neurocognitive score includes all MCCB domains except social cognition
Secondary efficacy endpoints
 Change from baseline in cognitive function as measured by the overall MCCB score after 12 weeks of treatment
  The overall score includes all MCCB domains
 Change from baseline in the effect of cognitive deficits on day-to-day functioning as measured by the SCoRS after 12 weeks of treatment
  SCoRS is a 20-item interview-based assessment of how cognitive deficits affect day-to-day functioning
 Change from baseline in PANSS total score after 12 weeks of treatment
  PANSS will be used to evaluate broad psychopathology associated with schizophrenia disease state
Further efficacy endpoints
  Change from baseline in each of the 7 MCCB domain scores after 12 weeks of treatment
  Change from baseline in PANSS Positive Symptom Scale after 12 weeks of treatment
  Change from baseline in PANSS Negative Symptom Scale after 12 weeks of treatment
  Change from baseline in PANSS Emotional Expression and Emotional Experience Subscales after 12 weeks of treatment
  Change from baseline in CGI-S score after 12 weeks of treatment
  CGI-S is a one-item evaluation completed by the clinician to measure the severity of the patient’s psychopathology
  Change from baseline in BET scores after 12 weeks of treatment
The BET is a computerized task that assesses the patient’s willingness to exert effort for reward
  PRECIS score (in English-speaking patients only)
  PRECIS is a novel patient-reported instrument developed to record patients’ subjective experience of CIAS, and the results of this study will support the validation of this outcome measure
 Change from baseline in VRFCAT time to completion, number of errors, and forced progressions after 12 weeks of treatment

  The VFRCAT is a computerized virtual reality shopping trip developed to detect functionally meaningful improvements in patients’ everyday lives, and outcomes

will help to evaluate whether an augmentation approach translates to improved functional performance

 CCT performance after 12 weeks will be measured using a global progression scale, which is an average of the level of progression across each exercise
Safety endpoints
 Percentage of patients with AEs and SAEs
  Including clinically relevant abnormalities identified in physical examination, vital signs, ECG, and laboratory tests
 Occurrence of protocol specified AESI
 Worsening of disease state as assessed by PANSS
 Suicidality as assessed by C-SSRS
Pharmacokinetic endpoints
 Pre-dose/trough plasma concentrations of BI 425809 at Visits 3, 4, 5, and 6
  To measure study drug compliance

AEs adverse events, AESI adverse event of special interest, BET Balloon Effort Task, CCT computerized cognitive training, CGI-S Clinical Global Impressions-Severity, CIAS cognitive impairments associated with schizophrenia, C-SSRS Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, ECG electrocardiogram, MCCB Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia Consensus Cognitive Battery, PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, PRECIS Patient Reported Experience of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia, SAEs severe adverse events, SCoRS Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale, VRFCAT Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool