Figure 1.
Fibroblasts of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) patients with and without IMMP2L deletions display no signs of oxidative stress, altered membrane potential, or abnormal mitochondrial mass. (A) Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels presented as relative MitoSOX MFI ± SD of each subject (left) and of each group (right). (B) Mitochondrial membrane potential presented as relative TMRE MFI ± SD of each subject (left) and of each group (right). (C) Mitochondrial mass presented as MitoTracker MFI ± SD of each subject (left) and of each group (right). All MFI values are normalized to the mean of the healthy control cells within each experimental replica. Each bar represents at least three independent experiments. Black stars mark non-GTS individuals with IMMP2L deletions.