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. 2020 Feb 13;21(3):315–321. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.01.012

Table 2.

Studies of Etiology of NHAP Published since 2005

Study Characteristics Maruyama et al19 Maruyama et al20 Pulverino et al21 Ma et al22 Ewig et al23 Putot et al24 Kang et al25
Study Years 2004‒2005 2004‒2005 1997‒2007 2006‒2007 2002‒2009 Jan‒Jun 2013 2008‒2014
Country Japan Japan Spain Japan Germany France Korea
Type of study Prospective Prospective Prospective Prospective Prospective Prospective Retrospective
Number of NHAP cases 75 54 150 108 518 56 105
Number of (%) cases with etiology 54 (72) 37 (69) 57 (38) 74 (69) 117 (23) 6 (12) 54 (51)
Methods to identify etiology Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA, NPA cult and PCR Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA, NPS Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA, Ser, immunoflor-essence or PCR for viruses Sp, B, Ser, PUA, LUA; viruses not evaluated
Organisms identified (% of cases with etiology identified)
 S pneumoniae 46% 51% 58% 22% 33% 83% 35%
 S aureus 6% 5% 5% 4% 10% 24%
 Enterobacteriacea 6% 5% 9% 4% 15% 33%
 P aeruginosa 2% 0 4% 9% 3% 13%
 H influenza 0 0 4% 7% 1% NS
 M catarrhalis 4% 5% 0 0 1% 4%
 C pneumoniae 48% 54% 2% 4% 0
 C psittaci 3%
 M pneumoniae 13% 19% 4% 8% 1% 0
 L pneumophila 0 0 5% 0 11% 17% 0
 Cytomegalovirus 11% 11% 0 No viruses identified
 Influenza virus 20% 16% 10% 8%
 RSV 6% 8% 18%
 Parainfluenza 6% 8% 20%
 Adenovirus 0
 Metapneumovirus 12%
 Rhinovirus 1%
 Coronavirus 3%
 Enterovirus 4%
Additional comments 29% mixed infection; MDR in 7; 54% abx rx before admission All ≥ 85 years old; 45% abx rx before admission; 62% mixed infection Viruses isolated in only 3 cases Rate of mixed infection not reported Viruses that could be detected not reported; mixed infection rate not reported Number with positive etiologic identification small Polymicrobial infection 3 (6%); MDR organisms 23 (43%); 2/3 were bedridden or in wheelchair; 46% tube feeding
Treatment (denominator is all residents in study) Only gave information about rx of those with atypical organisms isolated: 10/11 rx'd with abx that did not cover these organisms and all survived
Monotherapy: 59%
BL 30%
Quin 17%
Carb 4%
58% Amox 9%
Am/clav 52%
3GC 30%
Pip/taz 2%
Quin 4%
Mac 0
33 (31%)
Quin 1
Aps pcn 30
Carb 2
Combination rx: 41%
BL + Quin 30%
BL + Mac 11%
42% BL + Mac 4% 72 (69%
3GC + Mac 9
3GC + Quin 1
Aps pcn + mac 9
Aps pcn + quin 50
% Hospital mortality NS 14.8% NS 10.7% 11 (10.5%)
% 30-d mortality 20% NS 27% NS NS

Abx, antibiotic; Am/clav, amoxicillin/clavulanate; Amox, amoxicil; Aps pcn, antipseudomonal penicillin; B, blood culture; BL, betalactam; Carb, carbapenem; cult, culture; LUA, legionella urinary antigen; Mac, macrolide; MDR, multidrug resistant; NPA, nasopharyngeal aspirate; NPS, nasopharyngeal swab; NS, not stated; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Pip/taz, piperacillin/tazobactam; PUA, pneumococcal urinary antigen; Quin, quinolone; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; rx, treatment; Ser, serology; Sp, sputum culture; 3 GC, third generation cephalosporin.