Fig. 2.
Reactivity of sera from MHV-infected mice, exposed or not to CCl4, with mouse liver and kidney extracts. Tissue lysates were prepared as indicated in Materials and methods and separated by SDS-PAGE in 10% gels, transferred onto nitrocellulose sheets and incubated with 1:50 serum dilution. Bound Ab were revealed by peroxidase-labeled IgG anti-mouse IgG and ECL reagents. (A) Example of the calculation of the Relative Mobility (RM) of the autoantigens. The IgG heavy and light chains already present in tissues were used as conventional markers (values of 1 and 0, respectively) to calculate the RM of the different proteins. In the figure, the FAH position corresponded to a RM of 0.7. (B) Example of Western-blot patterns. A: serum from mouse #3 “MHV + CCl4” (see RM values in Table 1); B: serum from mouse #15 “MHV alone” (see RM values in Table 1). Positions of the IgG heavy and light chains are indicated as 1 and 0, respectively, on the left side of each blot.