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. 2020 Mar 30;17:44. doi: 10.1186/s12966-020-00946-3

Table 2.

Descriptive characteristics of study participants (n = 195)

Characteristic N (%) or Median (IQR)
Age (years)
 18–21 years old 109 (56%)
 22–24 years old 86 (44%)
Gender identitya
 Female 119 (61%)
 Male 75 (39%)
 Non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer 1 (1%)
Body Mass Index (BMI) categoriesb N = 194
 Underweight (BMI < 18.5) 16 (8%)
 Healthy weight (BMI 18.5–24.9) 106 (55%)
 Overweight (BMI 25.0–29.9) 42 (22%)
 Obese (BMI ≥30.0) 30 (16%)
Living location
 Metro 156 (80%)
 Regional/rural 39 (20%)
Language other than English spoken at home/with parents
 Yes 52 (27%)
 No 143 (73%)
Currently studying
 Yes 137 (70%)
 No 58 (30%)
Level of current studyc
 High school, year 12 8 (6%)
 TAFE, college or diploma 18 (13%)
 University (undergraduate course) 97 (71%)
 University (postgraduate course) 14 (10%)
Highest level of completed educationd
 High school, year 10 or lower 2 (3%)
 High school, year 11 2 (3%)
 High school, year 12 13 (22%)
 TAFE, college or diploma 23 (40%)
 University (undergraduate degree) 16 (28%)
 University (postgraduate degree) 2 (3%)
Living arrangementse
 Alone 24 (10%)
 With their child (ren) 18 (8%)
 With partner 37 (16%)
 With other family 20 (9%)
 With friend(s)/housemate(s) 34 (15%)
 Living with parents 97 (42%)
 I don’t wish to say 0 (0%)
Dispensable weekly income
 Less than AU$40 76 (39%)
 AU$40–$79 59 (30%)
 AU$80–$119 30 (15%)
 AU$120–$199 17 (9%)
 AU$200–$299 9 (5%)
 AU$300 or over 3 (2%)
 I don’t wish to say 1 (1%)
Social media use frequency
 More than twice a day 173 (89%)
 Twice a day 22 (11%)
Using social media to learn or talk about your health
 Yes 128 (66%)
 No 67 (34%)
Interest in health
 On a scale of 1–7, where 1 means “Strongly disagree” and 7 means “Strongly agree”, please indicate how strongly you agree with the following statement - I take an active interest in my health 6 (5, 6)

a Based on the following question: “Please confirm your gender. Response options: Male; Female; Transmale/transman; Transfemale/transwoman; Non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer; My gender is not listed (please specify)” [35]

b BMI categories based on self-reported weight and height; one participant did not answer

c Only participants currently studying answered this question

d Only participants who were no longer studying answered this question

e Participants could select more than one answer