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. 2019 May 25;58(2):163–171. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myz040

Table 3.

Results of Pneumocystis jirovecii genotyping at three loci in non-immunosuppressed infants developing primary Pneumocystis primary infection.

MLST genotype
Bilocus genotype
Infant Code Sample code MtLSU alleles CYB alleles SOD alleles
E007 E007-2a mtLSU2, mtLSU4 Allele mixc SOD2
E007-3 mtLSU2, mtLSU3, mtLSU4 Allele mixc Allele mixc
E008 E008-1 ...b CYB3 ...b
E017 E017-1 ...b CYB1 SOD1
E029 E029-3 mtLSU4 CYB2 SOD2
E032 E032-1 ...b CYB1 ...b
E044 E044-1a ...b CYB1 Allele mixc
E044-2 mtLSU2 CYB1 ...b
E069 E069-1 Allele mixc Allele mixc SOD1
E075 E075-1 mtLSU2 ...b ...b
E076 E076-1 mtLSU2 CYB1 Allele mixc
E082 E082-1 ...b CYB6 SOD2
E089 E089-1 mtLSU3 CYB1 SOD2
E103 E103-1a mtLSU2, mtLSU4 CYB6 ...b
E103-2 mtLSU2 CYB1, CYB6 SOD2
E114 E114-1 mtLSU4 CYB5 SOD1
E125 E125-1 mtLSU3 ...b ...b
E130 E130-1 mtLSU3 CYB2 Allele mixc
E138 E138-1 mtLSU3 CYB5 Allele mixc
E143 E143-2 mtLSU2 ...b ...b
E154 E154-1 ...b CYB1, CYB6 ...b
E156 E156-1 mtLSU2 CYB2 SOD2
E159 E159-1 mtLSU2 ...b ...b
E165 E165-1 mtLSU2, mtLSU3 CYB1 Allele mixc
E169 E169-1 mtLSU2 CYB2 ...b
E171 E171-1 ...b CYB1 ...b
E177 E177-1 mtLSU2 CYB1 ...b
E190 E190-1 mtLSU3 CYB1 ...b
E206 E206-1 mtLSU3, mtLSU4 CYB1 SOD2

The alleles were identified considering changes at nucleotide positions described elsewhere by Beard et al.23, Esteves et al.16, and Maitte et al.17.

CYB, cytochrome b gene; mtLSU, mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene; SOD, superoxide dismutase gene.

aThe infants underwent nasopharyngeal aspirates two times, only one sample was considered for statistical analysis.

b“…”, typing failure.

cAllele mix, presence of several different alleles that were not identified.