(A) Optical micrograph of encoded metallic nanowires after release from their aluminaelectroplating template (reprinted with permission from ref. 45, copyright AAAS). (B) Optical micrograph of a 3DMS ImageCode. The L-shaped pattern of holes indicate the orientation, and the central holes constitute a binary code. (C) Optical micrograph of a 3DMS FloCode. The pattern of ridges along the edge is a binary code, read by recording the fluctuations of scattered laser light as the particle flows through a laser beam (B and C reprinted with permission from ref. 49. The publisher for this copyrighted material is Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers). (D) Optical micrograph of encoded aluminium rods manufactured by Pronostics Ltd, as used in their UltraPlex system (reproduced courtesy of Pronostics Ltd).