(A, B, C) Kaplan–Meier plots showing the per cent survival of G. mellonella over 120 h post-infection with 105 organisms of the following strains: Kp52145, 52145-ΔclpV (ΔclpV), 52145-ΔtssB (ΔtssB), 52145-ΔvgrG1 (ΔvgrG1), 52145-ΔvgrG2 (ΔvgrG2), 52145-ΔvgrG4 (ΔvgrG4), 52145-ΔvgrG2-ΔvgrG1 (ΔvgrG2-ΔvgrG1), 52145-ΔvgrG1-ΔvgrG4 (ΔvgrG1-ΔvgrG4), 52145-ΔvgrG2-ΔvgrG4 (ΔvgrG2-ΔvgrG4), 52145-ΔvgrG2- ΔvgrG1-ΔvgrG4 (ΔvgrG2- ΔvgrG1-ΔvgrG4). Thirty larvae were infected in each group. Level of significance was determined using the log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons where applicable [a = (A) 0.0008; (B) 0.05]. P-values presented correspond to the difference between (A) Kp52145 and the other strains, (B) Kp52145 and 52145-ΔvgrG1 (ΔvgrG1), 52145-ΔvgrG2 (ΔvgrG2), (C) Kp52145 and the other strains.