(A) Schematic of Prmt5 long and short isoform transcripts and Prmt5 genomic locus targeting strategy. Exon 7, an exon common to all protein-coding Prmt5 isoforms, was flanked by loxP sites to provide deletion of both isoforms in Cre-expressing cells. (B) Schematic of expected PRMT5 deletion in thymus T cell precursors and peripheral T cells in 2 different transgenic models, namely T-PRMT5Δ/Δ (constitutive) and iCD4-PRMT5Δ/Δ (inducible). (C and D) PCR amplification of genomic DNA isolated from CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from (C) T-PRMT5Δ/Δ or (D) iCD4-PRMT5Δ/Δ mice, as well as control PRMT5fl/fl mice. PRMT5-KO band: 283 bp; full-length floxed PRMT5 band: 1100 bp. DN, double negative; DP, double positive; SP, single positive.