Figure 5. Fetal reprogramming of hepatocytes is mediated by ESRP2-regulated RNA-splicing program.
(A) qRT-PCR for Esrp2, Areg, and Ptgs2 in pHEP and TNF-α–treated hepatocyte spheroids either transduced with adenoviruses expressing GFP (TNF-α + AdGFP) or mouse ESRP2 (TNF-α + AdESRP2). Results are graphed as box and whiskers plots (min to max), and means are indicated as plus signs. (B and C) Alternative splicing of Nf2, Slk, Flnb, and Kras in primary hepatocytes as specified; pHEP samples and the band images of pHEP are the same as those used for Figure 4B (B). See full, unedited gels in the supplemental material. Results are graphed as box and whiskers plots (min to max), and means are indicated as plus signs (C). All statistical analyses were performed by 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s corrections (n = 3 biological replicates/group).