Figure 8. ESRP2-depleted hepatocytes become proliferative ductal-like cells after alcohol exposure.
IHC for CCND1 and SOX9 in liver sections of WT and Esrp2-KO mice with or without alcohol exposure. The numbers of CCND1+ hepatocytes (Hep) and SOX9+ liver cells (hepatocytes [Hep]; ductal cells [Duct]) were counted in more than 10 randomly selected ×100 or ×400 fields per section, respectively. Scale bars: 100 μm. Results are graphed as dot plots (WT pair, white circles; WT 10d + 1B, white squares; Esrp2-KO pair, black circles; Esrp2-KO 10d + 1B, black squares) showing mean ± SEM (red bars) (n = 3–7 individuals/group). Statistical analyses were performed by 2-way ANOVA with Tukey’s corrections.