(A) Diagram of microinfusion experimental design. (B) JZL184 administered to the NAc did not alter distance traveled. (C) Veh-treated Shank3B–/– animals did not exhibit a preference for the mouse chamber (NS, P = 0.8566), while JZL184 increased social chamber preference (**P = 0.0014). (D) Additionally, Veh-treated Shank3B–/– did not have a preference for investigating the mouse cup while JZL184 increased investigation time (**P = 0.0022); Veh n = 9, JZL184 n = 11 (B–D). (E) Representative heatmaps of 3-chamber SI task. Data analyzed via unpaired, 2-tailed t test (B) or 2-way ANOVA with Holm-Šídák multiple-comparisons test (C and D). P and F values for chamber × drug interaction shown in C and D.