Table 10.
FTIR Interpretation of the n-hexane extract of the Carica papaya seed.
S/N | Test sample (cm−1) | Reference standard (cm−1) | Functional group Assignment |
Identified compound |
1 | 709.83 | 665–730 | C=C bend | Alkene |
2 | 709.83 | 665–730 | C=C bend | Alkene |
3 | 848.71 | 550–850 | C-Cl stretch | halo compound |
4 | 1165.04 | 1163–1210 | C-O stretch | ester compound |
5 | 1226.77 | 1220–1275 | C-O stretch | alkyl aryl ether |
6 | 1357.93 | 1310–1390 | O-H bend | Phenol |
7 | 1357.93 | 1310–1390 | O-H bend | Phenol |
8 | 1442.8 | 1350–1480 | C-H bend | Alkane |
9 | 1612.54 | 1566–1650 | C=C stretch | cyclic alkene |
10 | 1728.28 | 1720–1740 | C=O stretch | aldehyde |
11 | 1913.45 | 1900–2000 | C=C=C stretch | allene group |
12 | 2067.76 | 1990–2140 | N=C=S stretch | Isothiocyanate |
13 | 2314.66 | 2300–2400 | O=C=O stretch | carbonate |
14 | 2654.14 | 2600–2800 | C-H stretch | Alkane |
15 | 2854.74 | 2850–2960 | C-H stretch | Alkane |
16 | 2924.18 | 2850–2960 | C-H stretch | Alkane |
17 | 3155.65 | 3100–3200 | O-H stretch | Alcohol |
18 | 3263.66 | 3200–3400 | O-H stretch | Alcohol |
19 | 3456.55 | 3350–3500 | N-H stretch | Amine |
20 | 3587.72 | >3500 | O-H stretch | Alcohol |
21 | 3803.75 | >3500 | O-H stretch | Alcohol |
22 | 3927.2 | >3500 | O-H stretch | Alcohol |