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. 2019 Sep 20;6(2):138–144. doi: 10.1159/000502699

Table 1.

Clinical features and staging of patients with lacrimal sac mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Patient Age, years/sex Laterality Presenting symptoms (duration in months) Imaging findings (CT scan) Secondary sites of involvementa pTb cNb cMb Stageb Surgical management Adjuvant therapy Recurrence or metastases, follow-up in months
1 45/M Left Epiphora and recurrent dacryocystitis (12 months) 2.5-cm soft tissue mass at medial canthal area, associated with globe displacement Inferomedial orbit, nasal cavity, ethmoid sinus 3 x x At least III LS and NLD resection, lateral rhinotomy, ethmoidectomy, medial maxillectomy, orbital exenteration XRT N/A

2 24/M Right Ephiphora (9 months), LS mass (4 months) N/A Nasal cavity, medial orbit 3 x x At least III LS and NLD resection, medial orbital tissue resection None N/A

3 62/M Right Epiphora, recurrent dacyocystitis, LS mass, pain (16 months) 1.9-cm LS mass with erosion of lacrimal bone and bony lacrimal duct Maxilla, medial orbit 3 0 0 III LS and NLD resection, ethmoidectomy, medial maxillectomy, middle and inferior turbinectomy None No, 23 months

4 66/F Left Epiphora, LS mass, eye irritation, nasal congestion (10 months) 1.6-cm soft tissue mass in LS without bony erosion Nasal cavity 1 0 0 I LS and NLD resection, medial maxillectomy, ethmoidectomy, anterior turbinectomy XRT No, 20 months

5 65/M Right Epiphora, eye pain (6 months) 2.5-cm soft tissue mass in LS Maxilla, medial orbit 3 0 0 III LS and NLD resection, medial maxillectomy XRT No, 13 months

6 63/M Right LS mass, pain (6 months) 1.5-cm soft tissue mass in LS with bony changes Maxilla, medial orbit 3 0 0 III LS resection, medial maxillectomy XRT No, 17 months

CT, computed tomography; NLD, nasolacrimal duct; LS, lacrimal sac; x, not available; N/A, not available; pT, pathology tumor grouping by size; cN, clinical documentation of nodal metastasis; cM, clinical documentation of distal metastasis; XRT, external beam radiotherapy.


Based on imaging studies with pathologic confirmation.


TNM classification and stage groupings are adopted from the AJCC classification of carcinoma of the nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus (patients 1, 2, and 4) and maxillary sinus (patients 3, 5, and 6), 8th edition [18].