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. 2020 Mar 31;3(3):e201913. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.1913

Table 1. Descriptive Characteristics of the Patient Population.

Characteristic Participants, No. (%) P value
Overall (N = 230 175) Adjuvant radiation therapy
No (n = 218 590) Yes (n = 11 585)
Age at diagnosis, median (interquartile range), y 62.0 (56.0-67.0) 62.0 (56.0-67.0) 62.0 (57.0-67.0) <.001
White 190 983 (83.0) 181 549 (83.1) 9434 (81.4) <.001
Black 29 741 (12.9) 28 096 (12.9) 1645 (14.2)
Other 9451 (4.1) 8945 (4.1) 506 (4.4)
Charlson-Deyo Comorbidity Index score
0 186 793 (81.2) 177 416 (81.2) 9377 (80.9) .10
1 36 894 (16.0) 35 051 (16.0) 1843 (15.9)
2 5122 (2.2) 4842 (2.2) 280 (2.4)
≥3 1366 (0.6) 1281 (0.6) 85 (0.7)
Facility type
Community cancer program 11 158 (4.8) 10 355 (4.7) 803 (6.9) <.001
Comprehensive community cancer program 85 499 (37.1) 80 688 (36.9) 4811 (41.5)
Academic or research program 101 020 (43.9) 96 618 (44.2) 4402 (38.0)
Integrated network cancer program 32 498 (14.1) 30 929 (14.1) 1569 (13.5)
Primary payer
Not insured 3395 (1.5) 3141 (1.4) 254 (2.2) <.001
Private insurance or managed care 142 581 (61.9) 135 899 (62.2) 6682 (57.7)
Medicaid 5310 (2.3) 4880 (2.2) 430 (3.7)
Medicare 74 894 (32.5) 70 952 (32.5) 3942 (34.0)
Other government 3995 (1.7) 3718 (1.7) 277 (2.4)
Annual median income quartiles in 2000, $US
<30 000 23 582 (10.2) 22 305 (10.2) 1277 (11.0) <.001
30 000-34 999 35 657 (15.5) 33 783 (15.5) 1874 (16.2)
35 000-45 999 61 006 (26.5) 57 871 (26.5) 3135 (27.1)
≥46 000 109 930 (47.8) 104 631 (47.9) 5299 (45.7)
Individuals in the area with no high school degree in 2000, quartiles, %
≥29 29 573 (12.8) 27 989 (12.8) 1584 (13.7) <.001
20-28.9 46 527 (20.2) 44 020 (20.1) 2507 (21.6)
14-19.9 54 133 (23.5) 51 343 (23.5) 2790 (24.1)
<14 99 942 (43.4) 95 238 (43.6) 4704 (40.6)
Distance from facility, median (interquartile range), milesa 14.5 (6.4-36.9) 14.8 (6.5-37.7) 10.9 (4.9-24.2) <.001
Year of diagnosis, median (interquartile range) 2012 (2011-2014) 2012 (2011-2014) 2013 (2011-2014) <.001
Tumor category
T2 167 741 (73.0) 165 622 (75.0) 2119 (18.0) <.001
T3 61 948 (27.0) 52 621 (24.0) 9327 (81.0)
T4 486 (0.2) 347 (0.2) 139 (1.2)
Gleason score
≤6 57 588 (25.0) 57 173 (26.0) 415 (4.0) <.001
7 145 946 (63.0) 139 853 (64.0) 6093 (53.0)
8-10 26 641 (12.0) 21 564 (10.0) 5077 (44.0)
Lymph node invasion
Absent 223 051 (97.0) 213 335 (98.0) 9716 (84.0) <.001
Present 7124 (3.0) 5255 (2.0) 1869 (16.0)
Surgical margins status
Negative 177 759 (77.0) 173 872 (80.0) 3887 (34.0) <.001
Positive 52 416 (23.0) 44 718 (20.0) 7698 (66.0)

To convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.61.