(left panel) Normalised sedimentation coefficient distribution (c(s)) for CAL1
841–979 (CAL1, blue), CENP‐C
1264–1411 (CENP‐C, red) and their equimolar mix (complex, purple) all at 10 mg/ml, demonstrating a significant increase in
consistent with the formation of a 2:1 complex. (right panel) Typical sedimentation equilibrium data for CAL1
841–979 (CAL1, blue), CENP‐C
1264–1411 (CENP‐C, red) and their equimolar mix (complex, purple) all at 10 mg/ml, demonstrating a significant increase in mass, consistent with the formation of a 2:1 complex. The data were fit with a single species model yielding masses of 20,253, 29,216 and 49,539 g/mol. The values reported in Fig
EV5C are based on data acquired for a range of concentrations.