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. 2006 Apr 10;29(5):1051–1077. doi: 10.1016/j.femsre.2005.04.012

Figure 3.

Geographic distribution of reported rabies cases in Europe in the 2nd quarter of 2004. A total of 974 cases reported: ALB (3), AUT (1), BEL (rabies free), BIH (11), BLR (45), BUL (8), CHE (0), CZH (0), DEU (2; 2 bat cases included), DNK (0), ESP (North Africa 1), EST (58), FIN (rabies free), FRA (0), GRC (rabies free), HRV (80), HUN (34), IRE (rabies free), ITA (rabies free), LTU (125), LVA (123), MDA (no data), MKD (no data), NED (0), NOR (rabies free), POL (20; 2 bat cases included), PRT (rabies free), ROU (17), RUS (221; 2 human cases included), SCG (40), SVK (17), SVN (1), SWE (rabies free), TUR (30), UKR (131), UNK (0). Rabies free = no indigenous case reported for at least two years (Map obtained from http://www.who‐rabies‐