Table 2.
Zero-Order Correlations.
Variable | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1. Sex (1 = male, 2 = female) | – | |||||||
2. # of lifetime PTE types | 0.05 | – | ||||||
3. Relationship duration | −0.02 | −0.01 | – | |||||
4. PCL-5 total score | 0.11* | 0.34** | −0.12 | – | ||||
5. Relationship quality | −0.02 | −0.63 | 0.15 | −0.12 | – | |||
6. Alcohol use frequency | −0.18** | 0.16** | −0.06 | 0.21** | −0.02 | – | ||
7. Alcohol use quantity | −0.23** | 0.05 | −0.17* | 0.02 | −0.01 | 0.24** | – | |
8. Alcohol binge frequency | −0.19** | 0.10 | −0.19* | 0.23** | −0.05 | 0.75** | 0.51** | – |
9. Alcohol consequences | −0.13* | 0.10 | −0.32** | 0.40** | −0.21* | 0.50** | 0.36** | 0.57** |
Note. PTE = potentially traumatic event (assessed via Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire; Kubany et al., 2000); PCL-5 = PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (Weathers et al., 2013); Alcohol consequences = alcohol-related consequences subscale (i.e., items 4–10) of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Babor et al., 1992). Square root transformations were applied to correct for positive skewness for alcohol use frequency, alcohol use quantity, binge drinking frequency and alcohol-related consequences variables. Reflected square root transformations were applied to correct for negative skewness of the relationship quality variable.
p < .05.
p < .01.