Table 2.
Treatment of Kawasaki disease (for detailed discussion of the treatment of Kawasaki disease see references5, 6, 97).
1. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) | At a dose of 2 g/kg given as a single infusion over 10–12 hours (unless cardiac status necessitates infusing the dose more slowly or in divided doses). Failure to respond to this initial IVIG dose is usually treated with a second dose (usually 2 g/kg as a single infusion). Failure to respond to the second IVIG dose is often treated with intravenous methylprednisolone under expert supervision |
2. Aspirin | The dose of aspirin is controversial and its utility has never been proven in a randomised controlled trial. It remains, however, part of the standard management of KD. Generally ‘high dose’ aspirin (50–100 mg/kg/day in divided doses) is given acutely until the fever defervesces, when ‘low dose’ aspirin (2–5 mg/kg/day) is given until an echocardiogram at six weeks after the KD diagnosis is normal. If the six week echocardiogram is abnormal, aspirin is usually continued under cardiological supervision |
3. Adjunctive therapies | Anti-cytokine therapies and other interventions are generally unproven but have occasionally been used. For a review see Newburger and Fullton5 |