Figure 4.
GCN4-pVe and GCN4-pVg Associate to Form an Antiparallel, Four-Stranded Coiled Coil
(A) Lateral view of the antiparallel heterotetramer (residues 2–31). The Cα backbones of GCN4-pVe (magenta) and GCN4-pVg (blue) are depicted. Red van der Waals surfaces identify residues at the a positions, and green van der Waals surfaces identify residues at the d positions.
(B) Axial view of the antiparallel heterotetramer. The view is from the N termini of helices A and B, looking down the superhelical axis. The van der Waals surfaces are colored red for Val10(a) of helices A and B and green for Leu27(d) of helices C and D.
(C) The interhelical hydrogen-bonding network formed by a Mg2+ ion, structured waters, and the c and f residues of helices B and C. The Mg2+ ion is represented as a purple ball; water molecules are represented as small, red spheres; and hydrogen bonds are represented by dotted lines.
(D) A portion of the 2Fo − Fc electron density map (contoured at 1.5σ) showing the coordination geometry of the Mg2+ ion (purple ball) connecting the helices B and C. Water molecules are shown as red spheres, and magnesium coordinations are denoted by dotted lines.
(E) Helical wheel representation of the antiparallel heterotetramer. Heptad positions are labeled a–g.