Genetically determined differences between nPE1+/+ and nPE1−/− male mice and effects of acute (1-day) withdrawal from chronic (4-week) excessive alcohol drinking on nuclear transcript levels (reads per kilobase per million per mapped reads) of opioid genes in the hypothalamus: (A) Pomc, (B) Oprm1, (C) Pdyn, (D) Oprk1, (E) Penk, (F) Oprd1, (G) Pnoc and (H) Oprl1. *p<0.05 or **p<0.01 vs. water control in the same genotype; +p<0.05 or ++p<0.01 vs. nPE1+/+ after the same treatment. n=5−6 for each group. Data presented as mean RPKM (reads per kilobase per million mapped reads) + SEM.