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. 2007 Sep 6;83:129–151. doi: 10.1016/S0072-9752(07)83006-5

Table 6.4.

Genes causing parkinsonism

Locus/gene Map position Characteristics
Dominantly inherited
PARK1 (α‐synuclein) 4q21–22 Rare point mutations, duplication/triplication of normal gene
Atypical features, young onset
PARK8 (LRRK2/dardarin) 12p11.2‐q13.1 Sporadic and familial, heterogeneous signs and pathology
Old and young onset
Recessively inherited
PARK2 (parkin) 6q25–27 Many mutations, atypical, most onset < 30 years of age
PARK6 (PINK1) 1p35–36 Two mutations in three consanguineous families
PARK7 (DJ‐1) 1p36 Point mutation, deletion, few families, atypical
Uncertain inheritance
PARK5 (UCHL1) 4p14

Normal protein products of PARK1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are all likely involved in protein degradation and/or cellular response to toxicant injury or oxidative stress.