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. 2019 Jan 9;2019(1):CD001118. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001118.pub4

Dijkstra 1999.

Methods Setting: community, Netherlands
 Recruitment: newspaper adverts for smokers not planning to quit in the next 6 months (unmotivated volunteers)
Participants 843 smokers not planning to quit, 63% female, average age 42, average cpd 22
Interventions No face‐to‐face contact
 ∙ Three tailored letters (MT)
 ∙ Single tailored letter (ST)
 ∙ Self‐help manual, 48 pages colour (SHG)
 ∙ No intervention (CO)
Outcomes Abstinence at 6 months (7‐day point prevalence), self‐report by postal questionnaire
 Validation: none
 Primary outcomes for trial: SoC; intention to quit
Notes 3 vs 4 in self‐help vs control
1 and 2 vs 3 in effects of tailoring
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Randomised; method not described
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk No details given
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unclear if control group knew intervention arms receiving additional information; no biochemical validation
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk 89% responded at 6 months
Attrition predicted by years smoking and group
Denominator used in meta‐analysis includes all randomised