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. 2019 Jan 9;2019(1):CD001118. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001118.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Ainsworth 2013 Not a self‐help intervention; intervention print‐based, but aimed at faith leaders to effect change in their communities
Armitage 2008a Follow‐up only 2 months
Armitage 2008b Follow‐up only 1 month; intervention borderline for inclusion
Arnold 2009 Follow‐up only 1 month
Balanda 1999 Follow‐up only 1 month after provision of 1 of 2 self‐help guides to quitline callers; no differences found between groups
Bansal‐Travers 2010 Only 1 month's follow‐up; all participants received NRT and counselling
Barnett 2015 Intervention group also received counselling
Brandon 2000 Only recent quitters recruited; included in Cochrane Review of relapse prevention (Hajek 2013)
Brandon 2004 Only recent quitters recruited; included in Cochrane Review of relapse prevention (Hajek 2013)
Brandon 2012 Relapse prevention intervention
Brown 1992 Both arms received S‐H materials; test of telephone counselling; included in Cochrane Review of telephone counselling (Stead 2013b)
Burling 2000 Evaluated an internet‐based intervention; previously included in review but not in meta‐analysis; falls within scope of separate Cochrane protocol (Koshy 2008)
Carré 2008 Short follow‐up; not primarily directed at cessation
Conway 2004 Intervention targeted at relapse prevention (see Edwards 1999)
Curry 1988 Compares self‐help materials with a relapse prevention approach vs abstinence‐based approach; now included in relapse prevention review (Hajek 2013)
Dijkstra 1998b Follow‐up only 4 months (6 weeks from last contact for multiple tailored letters condition)
 Study compared combinations of tailored letters and a self‐help guide for a population of smokers not planning to quit
Dijkstra 2001 Follow‐up only 3 months; compares different types of information in self‐help materials
Dijkstra 2005 Not a structured S‐H intervention; outcome is "quitting activity" at 4 months. Participants were students recruited to evaluate smoking cessation messages
Dijkstra 2006 Outcome is change in stage ‐ not abstinence
Dijkstra 2009 Field study testing function of disengagement beliefs; numbers abstinent not reported
Edwards 1999 Intervention directed at relapse prevention in female naval recruits required to quit smoking during basic training; included in review of relapse prevention interventions (Hajek 2013)
Emmons 2013 Does not test self‐help; self‐help served as control for more intensive intervention
Etter 2007 Intervention provided information about additives in cigarettes; focus on motivating rather than assisting quitting
Fortmann 1995 Excluded from 2018 update because study of relapse prevention
Garcia 2000 Trial of group therapy‐based interventions; self‐help manuals provided in addition to group therapy to test effect of therapist contact; included in Cochrane Group Therapy Review (Stead 2017)
Gritz 1988 No control group
Hall 2003 Smoking cessation not an outcome
Jeffery 1982 No long‐term follow‐up; control was a group programme
Jeffery 1990 Compared the offer of a self‐help programme at a nominal cost vs the same programme for a USD60 payment, refundable if successful. Rate of recruitment to the incentive programme very low (9 participants, 0.09% of households randomly assigned to receive the incentive option)
Johs 2003 No long‐term follow‐up
Jordan 1999 Only 3 months' follow‐up planned; comparison of an internet‐based programme vs ALA printed manuals; 54 participants
Killen 1990 Excluded from 2018 update because study of relapse prevention
Kreuter 1996 Intervention provided single page of cessation information for participants who were smokers (22%) and interested in quitting; not a self‐help intervention by the criteria for this review (neither standard nor enhanced feedback increased quit rates over control)
Kreuter 2012 Print materials not designed as self‐help; intention to increase number of people taking up referrals to specialist service
Lenert 2004 Not randomised; used consecutive series of participants
Lipkus 2004 Self‐help was the control condition
McBride 1999 Intervention included 3 proactive telephone calls in addition to provision of self‐help materials; no effect of the intervention was found
McDonald 2003 Unpublished study; insufficient data to include
McDonnell 2011 Does not test self‐help; self‐help served as control for more intensive intervention
McMahon 2000 Tested incentives and social support as adjuncts to self‐help; included in Cochrane Review of support (Park 2004)
Meade 1989 Compared smokers' ability to understand materials written at different grade levels; cessation was not an outcome
Moore 2002 Participants were pregnant women
Murphy 2005 Only 3 months' follow‐up; marginal to classify as self‐help intervention; provided information on access to pharmacotherapy and cessation support
Naughton 2012 Does not test self‐help; self‐help served as control for more intensive intervention
NCT00714467 Experimental variable is partner support ‐ not self‐help
NCT01566994 No suitable control group for comparison
O'Hara 1993 Follow‐up only 3 weeks after receipt of materials
Ossip‐Klein 1991 Both arms received self‐help materials; test of hotline availability; included in Cochrane Review of telephone counselling (Stead 2013b)
Ossip‐Klein 1997 Both arms received self‐help materials; test of telephone counselling; included in Cochrane Review of telephone counselling (Stead 2013b)
Pallonen 1998 Intervention targeted for adolescents; 2 self‐help computer‐based interventions compared; included in a Cochrane Review of cessation interventions for adolescents and young people (Fanshawe 2017)
Pederson 1981 Although this is described as a trial of behavioural self‐help manuals, treatment conditions included an introductory meeting and 2 further group meetings
Rimer 1994 No long‐term follow‐up data reported in full
Russell 1979 Leaflet used as an adjunct to physician advice did not meet study criteria for a structured self‐help intervention
Smokers given the leaflet were also warned that they would be followed up
Study found a non‐significant increase in the quit rate amongst participants who were given the leaflet in addition to advice, but including it would not alter the results of the MA, which found no effect of materials as an adjunct to advice
Sallis 1986 Only 2 months' follow‐up; then wait‐list control offered treatment
Senesael 2013 Multiple risk factor intervention recruiting only 7 smokers; unclear if smoking intervention met inclusion criteria
Shi 2013 Does not test self‐help; self‐help served as control for more intensive intervention
Shiffman 2000 Only 6 weeks' follow‐up; tested materials tailored to individual smokers, in addition to nicotine gum; compared to gum and standard written materials
Shiffman 2001 Only 6 weeks' follow‐up; tested materials tailored to individual smokers, in addition to nicotine patches; compared to patches and standard written materials
Sims 2013 Does not test self‐help; self‐help served as control for more intensive intervention
Song 2012 Relapse prevention intervention
Stanczyk 2013 Web‐based intervention
Strecher 1994 Did not meet review criteria for self‐help materials
Compared health letters tailored to individual recipient's smoking behaviour vs no intervention (Study 2) or a standardised health letter from a physician (an adaptation of NCI Quit for Good pamphlet addressing general benefits of and barriers to quitting smoking) (Study 1)
Study 1 had less than 6 months' follow‐up
Strecher 2000 Participants were pregnant women
Strecher 2005b Short follow‐up
Strecher 2008 Did not meet review criteria for self‐help materials; Web‐based programme
Te Poel 2009 Web‐based intervention
Travis 2004 Short follow‐up; self‐help was an adjunct to telephone counselling
Travis 2009 Only 3 months' follow‐up
Ussher 2011 Uncontrolled evaluation
Webb 2005 Smoking status not a measured outcome
Webb 2007 Smoking status not a measured outcome
Webb 2008 Only 3 months' follow‐up
Webb 2009 Only 3 months' follow‐up
Webb 2010 Outcomes included risk perceptions, readiness to quit smoking, and smoking‐related knowledge ‐ not smoking cessation
Weissfeld 1991 'Self‐help' condition received several individual counselling sessions
Wetter 2011 All groups received multiple group counselling sessions
Willemsen 1995 Not a randomised trial
Windsor 1989 All groups received the same self‐help intervention; differed on additional support or incentives
Zhu 1996 All arms received self‐help materials; test of telephone counselling; included in Cochrane Review of telephone counselling (Stead 2013b)

ALA: American Lung Association.
 MA: meta‐analysis.
 NCI: National Cancer Institute.
 NRT: nicotine replacement therapy.