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. 2020 Mar 16;7(4):ofaa090. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa090
Milda Moderatea Severea
Empiric treatment for Nocardia infection TMP-SMX 160/800 mg (child 1 mo or older 4 + 20 mg/kg up to 160 + 800 mg) orally, every 12 h TMP-SMX 160/800 mg (adult >60 kg: 320 + 1600 mg; adult 40 to 60 kg: 240 + 1200 mg; child 1 mo or older: 6 + 30 mg/kg up to 240 + 1200 mg) orally, every 12 h
ceftriaxone 2 g (child 1 mo or older: 50 mg/kg up to 2 g) IV, daily
linezolid 600 mg orally, every 12 h (child younger than 12 y: 10 mg/kg up to 600 mg orally, every 8 h)
TMP-SMX 320/1600 mg (child 1 mo or older: 8 + 40 mg/kg up to 320 + 1600 mg) IV or orally, every 12 h
linezolid 600 mg IV or orally, every 12 h (child younger than 12 y: 10 mg/kg up to 600 mg IV or orally, every 8 h)
amikacin (adult and child) 20 mg/kg IV daily or 10 mg/kg IV, every 12 h
imipenem 500 mg (child 15 mg/kg up to 500 mg) IV, every 6 h
meropenem 2 g (child 40 mg/kg up to 2 g) IV, every 8 h

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; TMP-SMX, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

aMild: nonsevere disease in immunocompetent patients with localized cutaneous disease. Moderate: nonsevere dis-ease in immunocompetent patients with more extensive cutaneous disease, immunocompromised patients with cuta-neous disease, or any patient with mild to moderate pulmonary disease. Severe: central nervous system disease with brain abscess, disseminated disease, and severe pneumonia. Adapted with permission from Mandell et al., eds. [19].