Scanning |
Looking over the edge of one of the open arms with scanning movement in any direction. |
Head dipping |
Downward visual screening movement at the edge of the open arm. |
End-arm exploration |
The animal reaches the end of the open arm and dips its head. |
Stretch-attend posture (SAP) |
Forward elongation of the body and retreat to the original position when the animal is standing still or moving slowly forward. |
Flat-back approach |
Forward elongation of the body with frontward movement by slowly pulling the hind body. |
Rearing |
Bipedal posture supported by the hind paws. |
Peeping out |
Projection of the head and shoulders from the closed arms toward the central part of the EPM. The four paws are maintained inside the closed arm. |
Grooming |
Cleaning or scratching of the fur, nose, ears and whiskers using the paws or tongue. |
Immobility |
Complete stillness of the animal (resembles freezing behavior). |