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. 2017 Dec;38(12):1393–1419. doi: 10.1017/ice.2017.212



Term(s) Acronym(s) and Similar Term(s)
All-hazards preparedness Needs assessment
CDC Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication CERC
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS
Common operating procedure, common operating picture COP
Department of Health DOH
Department of Health and Human Services HHS
Ebola virus disease EVD
Emergency department ED
Emergency management program EMP
Emergency Medical Services EMS
Emergency operations plan EOP
Emergency support function ESF
Expert guidance document (SHEA) EG
Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA
Hazard vulnerability analysis, risk assessment HVA
Healthcare personnel HCP
Healthcare epidemiologist HE
Hospital incident command system HICS
Hospital incident management team HIMT
Hospital command center Healthcare coalition HCC
Hospital preparedness program HPP
Incident command system ICS
Unified command UC
Incident commander IC
Infectious disease ID
Infection preventionist IP
Job action sheet JAS
Laboratory response network LRN
Liaison officer LO
Long-term care facility LTCF
Medical screening examination MSE
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus MERS-CoV
Multidrug-resistant organism MDRO
National Disaster Medical System NDMS
National Incident Management System NIMS
National response framework NRF
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response ASPR
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC PHPR
Person under investigation PUI
Personal air purifying respirators PAPR
Personal protective equipment PPE
Public information officer PIO
Reusable medical equipment RME
Safety officer SO
Severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS