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. 2019 Oct 18;77(7):1289–1317. doi: 10.1007/s00018-019-03327-7

Table 1.

Galectins during developmental myelination and upon de-and remyelination

Galectin Model Main result Mechanism References
In vivo
 gal-1 Lgals1/ mice (C57Bl/6) Less and more loosely wrapped myelinated axons Controls myelin compaction and integrity [156]

Lysolecithin-induced demyelination

(C57Bl/6 mice, treatment)

Reduced demyelination and improved remyelination Shifts microglia towards a regenerative phenotype, increases phagocytosis of myelin debris and OPC differentiation [156]
 gal-3 Lgals3/ mice (C57Bl/6) Decreased percentage myelinated axons, myelin turns and g-ratio. Loosely wrapped and less smooth myelin Required for proper production and organization of myelin [123]
Lgals3/ mice (129 Sv) No effect on OPC differentiation upon development [220]

Cuprizone-induced demyelination

(Lgals3/ C57BL/6 mice)

Decreased OPC differentiation, enhanced reactive astrogliosis, defective microglia activation and hypomyelination Inability to upregulate the phagocytic receptor TREM-2b on microglia and decreased MMP-3 expression [151, 221]

Cuprizone-induced demyelination

(Lgals3/ 129Sv mice)

Increased emigration of SVZ cells to demyelinated areas and no effect on OPC differentiation Controls local inflammation in the SVZ and limits SVZ progenitor emigration [220]
 gal-4 Cuprizone-induced demyelination (C57Bl/6 mice) Re-expressed in axons and present in microglia/macrophages Neuronal re-expression and secretion of gal-4 may inhibit OPC differentiation [124, 179]
In vitro
 gal-1 Astrocytes (primary cell culture F344/N Slc rats, treatment) Induces differentiation and inhibits proliferation Increases production of BDNF [217]
 gal-1 Oligodendrocytes (primary cell culture, Wistar rats, treatment) Low concentrations inhibit OPC differentiation Upregulates MMP-2 activity in conditioned medium of immature oligodendrocytes that may cleave gal-3′s N-terminal tail [123, 167]
High concentrations enhance OPC differentiation May increase OPC viability upon cell cycle exit
 gal-3 Oligodendrocytes (primary cell culture, Wistar rats, treatment) Promotes OPC differentiation Gal-3′s N-terminal tail is cleaved by MMP-2 in OPCs, but not mature oligodendrocytes, gal-3 induces actin filament assembly and drives early branching of oligodendrocyte processes [123, 167]
 gal-3 Microglia (Lgals3/ C57BL/6 mice) Microglia-conditioned medium with secreted gal-3 promotes OPC differentiation Microglia-expressed gal-3 favors an anti-inflammatory phenotype [123, 158]
 gal-4 Oligodendrocytes (primary cell culture, Wistar rats, treatment) Inhibits OPC differentiation Direct binding of gal-4 to the OPC (protein integrity with both CRDs and linker is required) [124]
Oligodendrocytes (CG4 cells, primary cell culture) Enhances MBP promotor activity Involved in p27- and Sp1-mediated activation of MBP [148]
 gal-4 Cortical neurons (primary cell culture, co-culture with oligodendrocytes, Wistar rats) Required for proper axon growth and elongation Sorts and organizes transport of axonal L1 in a sulfatide-dependent manner [125]
Gal-4 deposits on axons inhibit myelination Possible role in recruitment of contactin-1 and correct targeting of nodes of Ranvier [134]

BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor, gal galectin, MMP matrix metalloproteinase, OPC oligodendrocyte progenitor cell, SVZ subventricular zone