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. 2020 Apr 1;10:5754. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62715-3

Table 2.

List of risk factors for acne presentation analysed in the articles and results obtained for each risk factor.

Factor Studies showing
Significant Risk Factor for Acne Significant Protective Factor for Acne Insignificant factor
Age (increasing)

Aksu, et al., 2012;

Hogewoning, et al., 2009; Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;

Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001;

Wu, et al.54;

Ali, et al.50 (younger age);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018

Wei, et al., 2010
Computer usage N/A Wei, et al., 2010 (less than 2 h/day) N/A
Job (Office worker) Di Landro, et al., 2016 N/A N/A
Marital status N/A Ali, et al.50 (married) N/A
Parent’s educational level N/A N/A Bagatin, et al., 2014

Hogewoning, et al., 2009 (female);

Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (males);

Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001 (male);

Wei, et al., 2010 (male);

Ali, et al.50 (male)

Aksu, et al., 2012;

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018

Socioeconomic status N/A N/A Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001;
Years of education N/A N/A

Di Landro, et al., 2016 (personal educational level);

Duquia, et al., 2017

Genetic and/or Hormonal
Family History (parents with acne)

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (close relatives, eg: parents and siblings);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018

Family History (first-degree relatives with acne)

Di Landro, et al., 2016; Goulden, McGeown, & Cunliffe, 1999; Ibrahim, Salem, El-Shimi, Baghdady & Hussein57 (family members included not specified);

Suppiah, et al.59 (family members included not specified);

Wang, et al., 2016 (family members included not specified);

Wei, et al., 2010 (first- and second-degree relatives);

Xu, et al.55;

N/A Bagatin, et al., 2014
Height N/A Duquia, et al., 2017 (short height) Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012
Onset of puberty Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014; Ali, et al.50 (pre-menstrual stage) Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006
Pregnancy (never been pregnant) Di Landro, et al., 2016 N/A N/A
Personal history of acne in adolescence Di Landro, et al., 2016 N/A N/A
Regularity of menses N/A N/A

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006;

Wu, et al.54

Skin colour N/A Duquia, et al., 2017 (light skin phenotype) Bagatin, et al., 2014
Skin type

Wang, et al., 2016 (oily, mixed);

Wei, et al., 2010 (oily/mixed);

Wu, et al.54 (oily/mixed/neutral);

Ali, et al.50 (dry, normal, oily);

Wei, et al., 2010 (dry/neutral);

Use of contraceptives (oral) N/A N/A

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Goulden, McGeown, & Cunliffe, 1999

Weight N/A N/A Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012
Medical History
Anaemia Wang, et al., 2016; N/A N/A
Anxiety Wei, et al., 2010 N/A N/A
Depression Wei, et al., 2010 N/A N/A
Dysmenorrhoea Wei, et al., 2010 N/A N/A
Familial diabetes

Lu, et al., 2017;

Skroza, et al.58;

Familial hypercholesterolemia Skroza, et al.58 N/A N/A
Familial hypertension

Lu, et al., 2017;

Skroza, et al.58;

Family history of obesity Lu, et al., 2017; N/A N/A
Hirsutism Di Landro, et al., 2016 N/A N/A
Hypertrichosis Wang, et al., 2016; N/A N/A
Menstrual Disorder

Wang, et al., 2016;

Wei, et al., 2010

Psychological disorder Wang, et al., 2016; N/A N/A
Diet (general) Ibrahim, Salem, El-Shimi, Baghdady & Hussein57 N/A Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (energy intake);
Carbonated drink intake Al Hussein, et al., 2016; N/A

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014 (lemonade);

Suppiah, et al.59;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018

Dairy intake

Adebamowo, et al., 2008 (skim milk only);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (frequent intake of milk and ice cream);

Suppiah, et al.59 (milk);


Adebamowo, et al., 2008 (dairy fat, dairy other than milk, total milk, whole milk, low-fat milk);

Al Hussein, et al., 2016 (milk, cheese, yoghurt);

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Duquia, et al., 2017 (whole milk, low fat milk, cheese, yoghurt);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (cheese and yoghurt);

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Suppiah, et al.59 (ice cream, yoghurt);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (dairy in general, milk, type of milk and ice cream);

Fast food intake

Aksu, et al., 2012 (high intake of sausages and cakes);

Wei, et al., 2010;


Adebamowo, et al., 2008 (French fries and pizza);

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014 (hamburgers and pizza);

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015 (pizza);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Fat intake

Aksu, et al., 2012;

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Wang, et al., 2016 (fatty food);

Wei, et al., 2010


Adebamowo, et al., 2008 (total fat, types of fat);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012;

Suppiah, et al.59 (potato chips);

Wu, et al.54;

Fish intake

Di Landro, et al., 2016 (low intake of fish);

Wang, et al., 2016 (seafood);

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Wu, et al.54 (seafood);

Fruits and vegetables intake Di Landro, et al., 2016 (low intake of fruits and vegetables);

Aksu, et al., 2012;

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Wei, et al., 2010 (frequent fruit intake only, not vegetables);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (fibre);

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (fruit juice);

Glycaemic load Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (high) N/A N/A
Intake of rice/pasta/ semolina N/A N/A Wolkenstein, et al., 2018
Irregular meals N/A N/A Al Hussein, et al., 2016
Lack of nutritional information N/A N/A Al Hussein, et al., 2016
Meat intake N/A N/A

Di Landro, et al., 2016 (beef);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (protein);

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;

Mediterranean diet (high intake of legumes, grains, fish, olive oil, fruits, vegetables and nuts; low intake of meat; moderate intake of milk, dairy products and alcohol) N/A Skroza, et al.58 N/A
Nut intake N/A N.A

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012;

Suppiah, et al.59;

Spicy food intake Wei, et al., 2010 Ali, et al.50 (intake of non-spicy food) N/A
Sugar/chocolates intake

Aksu, et al., 2012 (high sugar intake, high intake of pastries and cakes);

Al Hussein, et al., 2016 (sweets);

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;

Suppiah, et al.59 (chocolate);

Wang, et al., 2016;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (chocolate)


Adebamowo, et al., 2008;

Di Landro, et al., 2016 (cakes, chocolate, sweets, high-starch foods);

Duquia, et al., 2017;

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (chocolate, carbohydrates);

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014 (sweets);

Suppiah, et al.59 (sweets);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (sweets);

Wu, et al.54 (sweet food);

Vitamin and mineral intake N/A N/A

Adebamowo, et al., 2008 (vitamin A, vitamin D and calcium);

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium);

Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (multivitamin)

White bread intake Al Hussein, et al., 2016; N/A N/A
BMI (overweight/obese)

Aksu, et al., 2012;

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Hogewoning, et al., 2009;

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Lu, et al., 2017;

Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;


Duquia, et al., 2017;

Ismail, Manaf, & Azizan, 2012 (as well as body fat percentage);

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018

Substance Use
Alcohol intake N/A N/A

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018;

Cannabis use Wolkenstein, et al., 2015; N/A Wolkenstein, et al., 2018
Drug usage N/A N/A Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006
Number of cigarettes smoked/day Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001 (dose-dependent relationship); Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (females) Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (males)
Smoking duration N/A Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (females) Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (males)
Smoking status (cigarettes)

Al Hussein, et al., 2016;

Ibrahim, Salem, El-Shimi, Baghdady & Hussein57;

Schäfer, Nienhaus, Vieluf, Berger, & Ring, 2001;

Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (females)

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Duquia, et al., 2017;

Karciauskiene, Valiukeviciene, Gollnick & Stang, 2014;

Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006 (males);

Suppiah, et al.59

Tobacco use N/A

Wolkenstein, et al., 2015;

Wolkenstein, et al., 2018;

Living Environment, Stress and Emotional factors
Country of residence Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (living in Czech Republic or Slovak Republic) Wolkenstein, et al., 2018 (living in Poland or Belgium) N/A
Insomnia Wei, et al., 2010 (frequent) N/A N/A
Living environment (Urban/rural) Hogewoning, et al., 2009 (urban); Aksu, et al., 2012 (urban) Al Hussein, et al., 2016;
Mental stress

Di Landro, et al., 2016;

Ibrahim, Salem, El-Shimi, Baghdady & Hussein57;

Wei, et al., 2010;

Physical exercise N/A N/A Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006
Sleep duration (lack of sleep)

Wang, et al., 2016 (less than 8 h);

Wei, et al., 2010 (less than 8 h);

Wu, et al.54;

N/A Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015 (less than 9 h);
Study pressure Wei, et al., 2010 N/A N/A
Sun exposure Ibrahim, Salem, El-Shimi, Baghdady & Hussein57 N/A N/A
Sunbed usage N/A N/A Rombouts, Nijsten & Lambert, 2006
Frequency of face washing/day N/A Aksu, et al., 2012 (with tap water) Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015 (with cleanser);
Use of moisturisers/ cosmetics Wu, et al.54; N/A Park, Kwon, Min, Yoon, & Suh, 2015;

Study design is indicated via text colour. Black text indicates a cross-sectional design, italic text indicates a longitudinal design and bold text indicates a case-control design.