Fig. 1.
Turkey coronavirus (TCoV) MG10 genome organization. The full-length TCoV genome is 27,632 nucleotides excluding the polyadenylation tail at the 3′ end. Center: diagrammatic representation of the genome organization shows the predicted genes and their relative sizes and positions along the TCoV genome. S, spike glycoprotein gene; 3a, 3b, and 3c (E), tricistronic gene 3; M, membrane protein gene; ORF-X, unique ORF conserved among group III coronaviruses; 5a and 5b, bicistronic gene 5; N, nucleocapsid protein gene; UTR, untranslated region. Scales indicate relative positions of the various genes within the genome in kilobases. Top: expanded representation of the two ORFs (ORF1a and ORF1b) comprising the polycistronic gene 1 and the likely cleavage products and cleavage sites after proteolytic processing of the 1a/1b polyprotein. Bottom: expanded representation of the S gene indicating the signal peptide (SigP), putative cleavage site (S1/S2), endodomain (clear bars), endodomain (hatched bar) and a short transmembrane region (solid bar).