Table 5.
This Questionnaire Is To Be Completed By The Patient. The Caregiver May Assist The Patient. Choose The Answer That Best Describes The Situation At The Present Time. |
1. How would you describe how easy it is for you to swallow? |
a. Very easy |
b. Easy |
c. Difficult |
d. Very difficult |
e. Nearly impossible |
2. If you have any swallowing problems, are they presently |
a. Much better than usual |
b. Better than usual |
c. About the same as usual |
d. Worse than usual |
e. Much worse than usual |
3. Approximately how often do you cough while eating? |
a. Never |
b. Rarely |
c. Occasionally |
d. Frequently |
e. Constantly |
4. Approximately how often do you choke while eating? |
a. Never |
b. Rarely |
c. Occasionally |
d. Frequently |
e. Constantly |
5. How do you feel about eating? Do you feel anxious about swallowing? |
a. Not at all anxious |
b. Slightly anxious |
c. Moderately anxious |
d. Severely anxious |
e. Too anxious to eat |
Note: aAdapted with permission from SAGE Publications. Copyright © 1997. Abraham S, Scheinberg LC, Smith CR, LaRocca NG. Neurologic Impairment and disability status in outpatients with multiple sclerosis reporting dysphagia symptomatology. J Neuro Rehab. 1997;11(1):7–13.36