Interactions between PCK-1 and PCK-2 Expression
(A) Green emission fluorescence intensity of TIMER expressed from the pck-1 promoter.
(B) Yellow emission fluorescence intensity of whole-body PCK-2::YFP.
(C) Fluorescence micrograph of a 24-h pck-2::YFP male overexpressing pck-1::YFP from an extrachromosomal array. The overexpressed (OE) PCK-1::YFP forms aggregates in the motor neurons and body wall muscles. A pck-2::YFP male is also shown for comparison. Both males contain a pha-1 mutation and the pha-1(+)-rescuing plasmid in an extrachromosomal array.
(D) Yellow emission fluorescence intensity of intestinal PCK-2::YFP. (A, B, and D) Fluorescence values are in arbitrary units (A.U). For each stage, the number of animals quantified is 10 per strain. Each symbol represents a single male of the specified age. Bars and whiskers represent mean and standard deviation. p values were determined using the Mann-Whitney test.
This figure is related to Figure S7.