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. 2017 Feb 16;35(41):5437–5443. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.02.015

Table 2.

Comparison of vaccine platforms.

Characteristic Attenuated virus Inactivated virus Vectored viral VLP/protein DNA RNA
Platform experiencea Classical Classical In development Classical In development In development
Vaccine-associated risk of infectionb Present Present Present Low Low Low
Reliance on viral growthc Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent
Epidemic response timed Slow Slow Rapid Moderate Rapid TBD
Stability of vaccine High High High High High TBD
Adverse eventse Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Low TBD

Experience with the respective platform is based on the clinical experience of FDA approved vaccines in each group. Protein vaccines such as those for pneumococcal pneumonia and the human papilloma virus (HPV) VLP vaccine would be considered as “classical”, whereas newer approaches such as nanoparticle vaccines in development for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are non-classical. Vectored viral vaccines as well as nucleic acid technologies have less clinical experience and/or are in clinical development.


Vaccine-associated risk of infection refers to the ability of the vaccine components to cause disease. In the case of inactivated or attenuated virus, the risk pertains to the known risk for back-mutations to a virulent state, incomplete inactivation, or contamination of an attenuated viral stock with virulent virus.


The reliance on viral growth is based on whether the replication efficiency of the vaccine strain or chimeric vaccine candidate is a factor in the speed of vaccine production.


Epidemic response time refers to the total time to bring a new vaccine into clinical trials and includes vaccine design as well as production. It is, however, noted that there has been significant improvement in protein expression systems in recent years.


Adverse events relate to known vaccine-associated reactions including viral-like infections as well as more unique reactions such as development of a lupus anticoagulant observed with adenoviral vectored vaccines.