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. 2010 Mar 2;30(4):436–447. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2010.02.004

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis.

Study N Health event Mean age (range) Sex composition Racial composition Mean time since occurrence Measure of growth Quality
Bellizzi, Miller, Arora, & Rowland (2007) 308 Non-Hodgkins Lymphona 60 (23–85) 51.3% male, 48.7% female 30% Hispanic 42 months Close ended 3
Bower et al. (2005) 763 Breast cancer 56 (3 0–87) 100% female 83.7% White, 8.7% Black, 7.6% Other 40.8 months Close ended 3
Carrico et al. (2006) 264 HIV/AIDS 40 49% male, 51% female 49% African American, 25% Caucasian, 13% Hispanic 7.7 years BFS (a) 4
Cole, Hopkins, Tisak, Steel, and Carr (2008) 253 Cancer (Mixed) 58 (28–86) 78% female, 22% male 95% White 7 months Spiritual transformation scale 4
Cordova, Cunningham, Carlson, and Andrykowski (2001) 70 Breast cancer 55 (27–87) 100% female 90% White, 9% Black, 1% Other 24 months PTGI 4
Cordova et al. (2007) 92 Breast cancer 52 (25–72.8) 100% female 86% White 9.4 months PTGI 4
Curbow, Somerfield, Baker, Wingard and Legro (1993) 135 Bone marrow transplant 31 (18–53) 61% male, 39% female 91% White 47 months Open ended 4
Fromm et al. (1996) 90 Bone marrow transplantation 39 58% male, 42% female NR 49.5 months Open ended 3
Harrington, McGurk, and Llewellyn (2008) 76 Head and neck cancer 66.9 (32–97) 51% female, 49% male 93% White, 7% Other 34% 73–121 months, 25% 48–72 months, 41% < 48 months posttreatment BFS (a) 4
Ho, Chan, and Ho (2004) 188 Cancer (Mixed) 49 (26–69) 17% male, 83% female Chinese > 5 years disease free PTGI Chinese version 3
(Ickovics, Milan, et al., 2006) 773 HIV/AIDS 36 (19–55) 100% women 60% Black, 20% Latina, 20% White/Other NR Close ended 3
Jaarsma, Pool, Sanderman, and Ranchor (2006) 294 Cancer 56 (21–84) 28% male, 72% female NR 3.90 years PTGI (in Dutch) 4
Katz, Flasher, Cacciapaglia, and Nelson (2001) 87 Cancer and lupus 53 13% male, 87% female 73% White, 6% Black, 2% Asian, 12% Hispanic, 8% Other 9 years BFS (b) 3
Kinsinger et al. (2006) 250 Prostate cancer 65 100% male 41% White, 17% Black, 42% Hispanic 15.7 months BFS (a) 4
Klauer, Ferring, and Filipp (1998) 100 Cancer (mixed) 53 42% female, 58% male NR 40% 1 year, 20% 2 years, 25% 2–5 years, 15% 5+ years Close ended 2
Littlewood, Vanable, Carey and Blair (2008) 221 HIV/AIDS 40 (22–59) 44% female, 56% male 42% African American, 46% Caucasian, 4% Native American, 4% Asian Pacific Islander, 4% Other 7 years BFS (a) 4
Luszczynska et al. (2007) 104 HIV/AIDS 35 (18–54) 36% male, 64% female 100% Indian < 5 years BFS (a) 3
Milam (2004) 835 HIV/AIDS 38 87% male, 13% female 40% White, 37% Hispanic, 17% Black, 7% Other 6.4 years Items from PTGI 4
*Milam, 2006b, Milam, 2006a 412 HIV/AIDS 39 88% male, 12% female 39% White, 40% Hispanic, 15% African American, 6% Other 6.4 years Items from PTGI 4
Mols, Vingerhoets, Coebergh and Poll-France (2009) 183 Breast cancer 100% female NR NR PTGI 3
Morrill et al. (2008) 161 Breast cancer 59 (36–87) 100% female 85% White, 12% African American 4 years PTGI 3
(Mystakidou, Parpa, et al., 2007) 54 Cancer 60 (36–84) 27.6% male 72.4% female NR 55.2% < 3 years, 44.8 ≥ 3 years PTGI 4
(Mystakidou, Tsilika, et al., 2007) 100 Breast cancer 58.2 (31–81) 100% female NR 6.1 years PTGI 4
Park, Edmondson, Fenster, and Blank (2008) 172 Cancer (mixed) 45.2 69% female, 31% male 88% White, 5% Latino, 3% Black/African American, 2% Native American 23.4 months since primary treatment PBS 5
Petrie et al. (1999) Study 2 52 Breast cancer 54 100% female 92% European, 4% Maori, 4% other 3 months posttradiation Open ended 3
Salmon, Manzi, and Valori (1996) 200 Cancer (mixed) 17% < 50, 45% 50–65, 38% > 75 58% male, 42% female NR Median = 52 weeks Close ended 3
Salsman, Segerstorm, Brechting, Carlson, and Andrykowski (2009) 55 Colorectal cancer 65.9 58.9% female, 41.1% male NR 12 months PTGI 4
Schroevers and Teo (2008) 113 Cancer (mixed) 51.8 (17–85) 66.4% female, 33.5% male 82.3% Chinese, 11.5% Malay 45 months PTGI 3
Schulz and Mohamed (2004) 105 Cancer (mixed) 62 (19–86) 61% male 39% female NR 1 month postsurgery BFS (a) 3
Schwarzer, Luszczynska, Boehmer, Taubert, and Knoll (2006) 117 Cancer surgery 62 62% male 38% female NR NR Close ended 3
Sears, Stanton, and Danoff-Burg (2003) 60 Breast cancer 52 (28–76) 100% female 87% White, 7% Black, 3% Latina, 1% Asian American, 1% Native American 80 weeks PTGI 3
Siegel, Scrimshaw and Pretter (2005) 138 HIV/AIDS 38 (22–48) 100% female 38% African American, 34% Puerto Rican, 28% White 87.6 months Thriving scale 4
Thornton and Perez (2006) 82 Prostate cancer 61 (41–78) 100% male 90% White NR PTGI 4
Tomich and Helgeson (2004) 364 Breast cancer 48 (25–75) 100% female 93% White, 6% Black, 1% Hispanic 4 months BFS (a) 3
Updegraff et al. (2002) 189 HIV 37 (19–62) 100% female 48% Black, 33% White, 20% Latina 4.65 years Open ended 3
Urcuyo et al. (2005) 230 Breast cancer 54 (27–87) 100% female 63% White, 27% Hispanic, 10% Black 3–12 months post surgery BFS (a) 4
Widows et al. (2005) 72 Cancer–Bone marrow transplantation 48 (25–66) 26% male, 74% female 85% White, 7% Black, 8% Hispanic 24.05 PTGI 4
Yanez et al. (2009) Study 2 165 Cancer (mixed) 45.7 (22–55) 33% male, 67% female 89% White 3.5 years BFS (a) 5

NR = Not reported in the study; PTGI = Posttraumatic Growth Inventory; SRGS – Stress Related Growth Scale; PBS – Perceived Benefits Scale; BFS (a) = Benefit Finding Scale (Antoni et al., 2001); BFS (b) = Benefit Finding Scale (Mohr et al., 1990); SLQ – Silver Lining Questionnaire.