Fig. 4. Stable coding of GCs persists throughout multiple days, whereas CA2/3 PYRs constantly remap over time.
a, Activity maps of all familiar-context place cells sorted by days 3. b, Development of activity map correlations between subsequent days for familiar- (dark) and novel-context (light) place cells (numbers show n; ANOVA on ranks, Dunn’s test; mean±s.e.m). c, Mean activity map correlations (colour coded; Pearson’s R) over 5 days and two contexts as indicated on the x-axis. Each row shows mean correlation values for cells that had a place field on the day and track indicated on the y-axis (white numbers show n). d, Mean activity map correlations for familiar-context place cells over days passed. Grey dotted line, chance level correlations for CA2/3 cells obtained by shuffling cell IDs (two-sided rank-sum test, actual versus shuffled correlations, Bonferroni correction; mean±s.e.m). e, Schematic: GCs show a highly stable environment representation with low spatial and context selectivity. By contrast, PYRs form highly context-, place- and time-specific ensembles. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001. For exact P and n values in d see Supplementary Table 1.