Differential expression of genes from human blood modules
Inflammasome/Granulocytes (HB3), B cells (HB15) and NK & T cells (HB21)
depicting the top 50 “hub” network of genes with high intramodular
connectivity found within the mouse data (i.e., mouse genes most connected with
all other genes within the module), is shown for data from blood from TB
patients (Leicester cohort), and blood and lungs from mice infected with
M. tuberculosis, each against their respective controls. An
enlarged representative network showing human gene names is shown for human
blood (top) and an enlarged representative network showing mouse gene names is
shown for blood samples from C3HeB/FeJ mice infected with high dose of HN878
(bottom). Each gene is represented as a circular node with edges representing
correlation between the gene expression profiles of the two respective genes.
Colour of the node represents log2 foldchange of the gene for human blood TB
samples or mouse blood and lung samples from M. tuberculosis
infected mice compared to respective controls.