Solution electrospinning |
Limited materials available
Limited thickness (max. 30 min of fber deposition)[96]
Uncontrollable and small pore size
Limited shape fdelity
Solvents (often cytotoxic) involved
Melt electrospinning |
Limited materials available
High temperatures required
Microscale resolution (smallest = 0.8 μm)[114]
Near-field spinning |
Precise control over microarchitecture
Nano to sub-micrometer scale resolution (0.05–6
Solution or melt possible
Rotary Jet spinning |
Nano to sub-micrometer fber diameters (0.05–3.5
High production rate
Room-temperature processing
Wide range of materials processing[198]
Easy to use
Pull spinning |
Microfuidic spinning |
Fibers can be tuned on morphological, structural, and
chemical features
Direct cell deposition possible
Slow fabrication process
Frequent nozzle clogging