Extended Data Fig. 3. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations detected in individual small intestinal adenomas from PolgAmut/mut;Apcfl/fl and Apcfl/fl mice.
a: The frequency of heteroplasmic variants >3% detected in adenomas from PolgAmut/mut;Apcfl/fl (n=3 mice per group and n=10 adenomas per mouse) and Apcfl/fl mice (n=3 mice per group, n=5 adenomas per mouse), mean ±s.d. are shown. b-d: Analysis of mtDNA variants present at >30% heteroplasmy in individual adenomas from PolgAmut/mut;Apcfl/fl mice (n=413 mtDNA mutations in total). For location (b), expected values were calculated based on the proportion of the mitochondrial genome taken up by each gene category and observed and expected values compared using Chi-squared analysis. No significant deviation from the expected frequencies was detected (p=0.4744).