LBD TFs are indicated in yellow; NAC TFs in magenta; GATA type zinc-finger TFs in blue. Non-TF proteins are indicated in gray. Solid lines indicate direct regulation; dotted lines indicate indirect regulation. Arrow-headed lines represent positive regulation, and bar-headed lines negative regulation of targets.
Corresponding references: 1: Fukuda, (2004); 2: Endo et al., (2015); 3: Soyano et al., (2008); 4: Yamaguchi et al., (2010); 5: Avci et al., (2008); 6: Bollhöner et al., (2013); 7: Escamez et al., (2016); 8: Ito & Fukuda (2002); 9: Bariola et al., (1994); 10: Olvera-Carrillo et al., (2015); 11: Zhao et al., (2008); 12: Zhong et al., (2010).