Simulation of the angular optical response of the films obtained assuming
= 0.1 and no anchoring at the
interfaces with an incident light at (a,c,e,g)
i = 0 and (b,d,f,h)
i = 30°, and a magnetic alignment
obtained for (a,b) γ = 0 (no H field), (c,d)
γ = 10,βH =
0°,ψH = 0°, (e,f)
γ = 10,βH =
–30°, ψH =
0° and g-h) γ = 10,βH =
–30°, ψH =
–90°. The colored regions of the halfpheres visible
at specific solid angles indicate the color observed in the direction pointing
away from the half-sphere center. The incident and specularly reflected beam
directions are represented with gray arrows.