Extended Data Fig. 5. The level of siderophore production scales negatively with siderophore-mediated effects on the pathogen growth.
a. The (phylogenetically uncorrected) values of siderophore production and siderophore-mediated effects on pathogen growth are negatively correlated. b. This correlation holds even after applying phylogenetically independent contrasts to both variables, showing that isolates producing high amounts of siderophores are generally more likely to inhibit R. solanacearum growth than isolates producing low amounts of siderophores. In both panels, black dots show values for each rhizosphere isolate (n=2150 biologically independent bacterial isolates). The correlation coefficients and p-values were obtained from Spearman rank correlations that account for the non-normal distribution of the phylogenetically corrected values. The red line and the green shaded area depict the best-fit trendline and the 95 % confidence interval of a linear regression, respectively.