Extended Data Figure 4.
a-d, Scatter plots showing positive correlation of GATA3 expression profile with GRHL2, CLDN4, RAB20 (a), PTGES, TFEB, PLAC8 (b), ATP6V1B1, FXYD4, SLC7A2 (c), and VGLL4 (d) expression profiles in human morula cells. n = 197 cells. r = Pearson correlation coefficient. Values are displayed as log-transformed size-factor-normalized counts. The black line corresponds to a linear regression model fitted to the data with 95% confidence bands. e, Scatter plots of selected genes implicated in embryonic stem cell pluripotency and/or enriched in EPI/ICM precursors in human morula cells that were identified as negatively correlated with GATA3 expression. n = 197 cells. r = Pearson correlation coefficient. Values are displayed as log-transformed size-factor-normalized counts. The black line corresponds to a linear regression model fitted to the data with 95% confidence bands. f, Boxplots representing genes coincidently highly expressed in GATA3-high versus GATA3-low cells in human morula cells. Data are shown as Transcripts Per Million (TPM) + 1. Boxes correspond to the first and third quartiles, horizontal lines to the median, whiskers extend to 1.5 times the interquartile range and dots are outliers.