Figure 1.
Meta-analysis on three discovery GWASs of IgM anti-PC (total n = 3002). (A) Manhattan plot. It includes associations between 7 665 664 autosomal SNPs and serum level of IgM anti-PC, two SNPs in 1p31.3 (P = 2.6 × 10−8) and six SNPs in llq24.1 (P = 2.0 × 10−8) achieve genome-wide significance. (B) Quantile–quantile plot. It indicates negligible inflation of the signal from population stratification or other sources, genomic inflation factor lambda (λ) = 1.001. (C) Regional plot for the six genome-wide significant SNPs in 11q24.1 (highly correlated and rs735665 is directly genotyped). They locate in a 131 kb linkage disequilibrium block that overlaps with the GRAMD1B gene.