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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Hematol. 2017 Jun 13;96(8):1361–1372. doi: 10.1007/s00277-017-3027-5

Table 1. Clinical and transplant characteristics of all patients and comparison between MDS and sAML patients.

Characteristic All MDS sAML P
No. (%) 304 144 (47) 160 (53)
Patient age, years 1.0
Median 58 56 59
Range 19-75 19-74 29-75
Patient sex .74
Male - no. (%) 193 (63) 90 (63) 103 (64)
Female - no. (%) 111 (37) 54 (37) 57 (36)
Disease status at transplant .006
Untreated or in CR- no. (%) 170 (56) 96 (67) 74 (46)
Treated but not in CR - no. (%) 120 (39) 48 (33) 72 (45)
Missing – no. (%) 14 (5) 0 (0) 14 (9)
Cytogenetic risk (according IPSS-R) .53
Very good - no. (%) 2 (1) 2 (1) 0 (0
Good – no. (%) 133 (44) 64 (45) 69 (43)
Intermediate - no. (%) 51 (17) 21 (15) 30 (19)
Poor - no. (%) 85 (28) 42 (29) 43 (27)
Very poor – no. (%) 11 (3) 5 (3) 6 (3)
Missing - no. (%) 22 (7) 10 (7) 12 (8)
WBC count 0.64
Median (x109/µl) 2.85 2.85 2.85
Range (x109/µl) 0.2-293 0.5-293 0.2-261
Missing - no. (%) 106 (35) 52 (36) 54 (34)
Hemoglobin 0.021
Median (g/dl) 9.3 8.9 9.9
Range (g/dl) 2.6-15 4.6-13.7 2.6-15
Missing - no. (%) 107 (35) 52 (36) 55 (34)
Platelets 0.073
Median (x109/µl) 16.2 23.2 13.6
Range (x109/µl) 0.5-395 0.5-395 0.5-347
Missing - no. (%) 105 (35) 52 (36) 53 (33)
Cytopenias in peripheral blood 0.75
0-1 cytopenia - no. (%) 82 (27) 37 (26) 45 (28)
2-3 cytopenias - no. (%) 116 (38) 55 (38) 61 (38)
Missing - no. (%) 106 (35) 52 (36) 54 (34)
Bone marrow blasts before alloTx <0.001
Median (%) 5 6 4
Range (%) 0-80 0-19 0-80
Missing - no. (%) 34 (11) 19 (13) 15 (9)
WHO classification n.a.
RA - no. (%) 8 8
RARS - no. (%) 4 4
RCMD - no. (%) 35 35
RAEB-1 - no. (%) 30 30
RAEB-2 - no. (%) 59 59
MDS-U - no. (%) 1 1
sAML - no. (%) 160 160
Missing - no. (%) 7 7
HCT-CI score 0.91
0-2 - no. (%) 192 (63) 92 (64) 100 (63)
> 2 - no. (%) 110 (36) 52 (36) 58 (36)
Missing - no. (%) 2 (1) 0 (0) 2 (1)
Donor match .87
MRD - no. (%) 71 (23) 34 (24) 37 (23)
MUD - no. (%) 171 (56) 79 (55) 92 (58)
MMUD - no. (%) 62 (21) 31 (21) 31 (19)
Donor sex .11
Male - no. (%) 208 (68) 105 (73) 103 (64)
Female - no. (%) 96 (32) 39 (27) 57 (36)
Stem Cell source .21
PBSC - no. (%) 288 (95) 133 (93) 155 (97)
Bone marrow - no. (%) 13 (4) 9 (6) 4 (2)
Cord Blood - no (%) 3 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1)
CMV status .44
D pos/P pos - no. (%) 108 (36) 53 (37) 55 (34)
D pos/P neg - no. (%) 45 (15) 16 (11) 29 (18)
D neg/P neg - no. (%) 94 (31) 46 (32) 48 (30)
D neg/P pos - no. (%) 50 (16) 23 (16) 27 (17)
Missing - no. (%) 7 (2) 6 (4) 1 (1)
Conditioning .93
Myeloablative - no. (%) 47 (15) 22 (15) 25 (16)
Reduced intensity - no. (%) 257 (85) 122 (85) 135 (84)
Acute GvHD .24
Yes - no. (%) 158 (52) 80 (56) 78 (49)
No - no. (%) 146 (48) 64 (44) 82 (51)
Acute GvHD stage (n=158) .16
°I or °II - no. (%) 107 (35) 50 (35) 57 (36)
°III or °IV - no. (%) 51 (17) 30 (21) 21 (13)
Chronic GvHD .23
Yes - no. (%) 118 (39) 61 (42) 57 (36)
No - no. (%) 186 (61) 83 (58) 103 (64)
Chronic GvHD stage (n=118) .016
Limited - no. (%) 52 (17) 32 (22) 20 (13)
Extensive - no. (%) 55 (18) 21 (15) 34 (21)
Missing - no. (%) 11 (4) 8 (6) 3 (2)

Abbreviations: MDS, myelodysplastic syndromes; sAML, secondary acute myeloid leukemia; no., number; CR, complete remission; IPSS-R, Revised International Prognostic Scoring System; WBC, white blood cell; alloTx, allogeneic stem cell transplantation; WHO, world health organization; RA, refractory anemia, RARS, refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts; RCMD, refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia; RAEB, refractory anemia with excess of blasts; HCT-CI, hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity index; MRD, matched related donor; MUD, matched unrelated donor; MMUD, mismatched unrelated donor; PBSC, peripheral blood stem cells; D, donor; P, patient; neg, negative; pos., positive; CMV, cytomegalovirus; GvHD, graft-versus-host-disease.