(A) Mean (±95% CI) preferred theta phase for neuronal firing, for the cue field (top row) and wall field (bottom row) areas. Preferred phase is markedly earlier in cue field in Encoding trial, for both VTCs (left) and Non-trace cells (right) (Watson-Williams (W-W) F tests: all Cue-vs-Pre-cue & Cue-vs-Post-cue p values < 1.8 x 10-5, see Extended Data Fig. 6), but is stable for wall fields in all trials (all trial comparisons p’s > 0.77, see Extended Data Fig. 7); no adjustments for multiple comparisons. (B) Mean (±95% CI) within-cell change in preferred phase in cue field area between Baseline and Encoding (left bars), and Encoding and Retrieval (right bars) for VTCs and Non-trace cells. Earlier-going phase shift in cue field, specifically in the Encoding trial, is greater in VTCs (Baseline minus Encoding, W-W F test, p = 0.018; Retrieval minus Encoding, W-W F test, p = 0.04); in the wall-field, phase difference was highly similar across cell-types and concentrated near zero (W-W F test, p values ≥ 0.68). See Extended Data Fig. 7 for further details. (C) Examples of preferred phase in cue field area, in single neurons (top VTC and Non-trace co-recorded pair) from three rats, with larger earlier-going shift in VTCs (angle shown in black at plot centers). Radial coloured ticks show mean preferred phase in each trial (see Key for colours), numbers below phase diagrams show mean firing rate (Hz) in each trial.