(a-c) Effects of YAP/TAZ knockout on the growth of
established subcuteaneous GBM-like lesions. Transformed cells were obtained
by dissociation of gliomaspheres obtained from HER2CA- (a), shNF1/shp53- (b)
or KRasG12V/shp53- (c) transformed R26CAGCreERT2;
Yapfl/fl; Tazfl/fl newborn mouse
astroglial cells (as in Fig. 3), and then injected in NOD-SCID mice. When
subcutaneous tumors reached approximately 0.5 cm of diameter, mice were
either fed with Tamoxifen food to induce YAP/TAZ knockout (YAP/TAZ KO), or
maintained under normal diet (YAP/TAZ wt). Graphs are growth curves of
YAP/TAZ wt (KRasG12V/shp53-, n=4 mice; HER2CA, n=6 mice; shNF1/shp53, n=5
mice) and YAP/TAZ KO (KRasG12V/shp53-, n=4 mice; HER2CA, n=4; shNF1/shp53,
n=8 mice) tumors (average volume ± s.e.m.).
(d, e) Effects of YAP/TAZ knockout in
tumors derived from KRasG12V/shp53 gliomaspheres, following the experimental
setup described in a-c. (d) Dot plot for tumor weight at sacrifice (YAP/TAZ
wt, n=8; YAP/TAZ KO, n=6). Mean ± s.e.m. of the distribution are also
shown. p-value was calculated by unpaired two-tail t-test. (e)
Representative H&E stainings. Scale bar, 2.5 mm. N, necrotic area; *,
Matrigel residue.
(f) Tabular results showing the number of NOD/SCID
mice displaying subcutaneous tumor formation after injection of cells
dissociated either from gliomaspheres derived from HER2CA-transformed
primary newborn astroglial cells (Primary tumors), or from
HER2CA-gliomaspheres derived from one of the Primary tumors (Secondary