Figure 1. GLUD1 loss in macrophages boosts SC activation and muscle regeneration.
a-d, Post-CTX muscle necrosis (Baseline,B. n=4; Day1 n=4,6 CTRL,Glud1ΔMo, respectively; Day6 n=10) (a) and regeneration (B. n=4,5; Day1 n=5,6; Day2 n=4; Day3 n=5; Day6 n=10) (b), with micrographs of H&E-stainings at Day6 showing necrotic (black-dotted line) (c) or regenerating (yellow-dotted line) fibers (d). e,f, Post-ligation necrosis (e) and regenerating area (f) 14 days post-ligation (B. n=4; Day1 n=5,4; Day3 n=7,8; Day14 n=9,6). g-i, Post-CTX muscle apoptosis by TUNEL staining (B. n=3; Day1 n=6; Day6 n=8) (g), with micrographs of Day6 (h), or post-ligation (B. n=3; Day1 n=4,5; Day3 n=5,3; Day14 n=4,3) (i). j, Oxidative stress by DHE stainings 6 days post-CTX or 14 days post-ligation (n=4). k-m, F/480+ macrophage infiltration post-CTX (B. n=4; Day1 n=4; Day6 n=10) (k), with micrographs of Day6 (I), or post-ligation (B. n=2; Day1 n=5; Day3 n=6; Day14 n=5,3) (m). n, Muscle viability (TTC staining) 6 days post-CTX (n=4). o,p, eMyHC+ myofibers (left) and eMyHC- regenerating myofibers area (right) over cross-section area 6 days post-CTX (n=3) (o) and representative micrographs (p). q, Voluntary running (n=5). r,s, RT-qPCR on muscle extracts for Pax7 (B./Day1/Day3 n=6; Day6 n=4; Day10 n=4) (r) and Myogenin (B./Day1 n=6; Day3 n=8; Day6 n=6,4; Day10 n=4) (s). t,u Quiescent (PHH3-) and proliferating (PHH3+) SC at baseline and 1 day post-CTX (n=4,6), with representative micrographs (t), or 3 days post-ligation (n=4) (u). White arrows indicate Pax7+ or Pax7+/PHH3+ cells; yellow arrows, Pax7+/PHH3- cells, v-x, WB on muscle extracts and densitometry for Pax7 (v), MyoD (w), Myogenin (x). A representative (a-u,w,x) or a pool (v) of at least two independent experiments is shown. Unpaired two-tailed t-test everywhere applied except in q (two-way ANOVA); ns, not significant. Bars: 10 μm (h), 20 μm (c, I), 50 μm (d, p, t). Graphs: mean ± SEM.