(a) Distribution of gene body methylation levels on genes classified in deciles from lower to higher methylation levels. Few genes are CpG methylated in the honeybee (only 3 top deciles). The dynamic range of CpG gene body methylation of lampreys and birds differs from the rest of vertebrates, in which a vast majority of genes are highly methylated (>50%). Boxplot centre lines are medians, box limits are quartiles 1 (Q1) and 3 (Q3), whiskers are 1.5 × interquartile range (IQR). (b) Overlap between top and bottom decile genes classified by CpA and CpG gene body methylation levels. All deciles have the same size, thus overlap % captures the relative differences between categories in a comparable manner. (c) Level of conservation of gene sets classified by CpA and CpG gene body methylation levels. If a given orthologue is present in one subset of genes in only one species it is classified as a Singleton (1), whereas if it is found in the nine vertebrate species analyzed it is classified as 9. Each orthologue is counted once per species (e.g. if lamprey has 2 species-specific paralogues of one gene, it is only counted as 1).