Fig. 2. Neural CpH methylation is restricted to vertebrate brains.
a, Global methylation levels in brain samples classified per dinucleotide context. Dark blue represents the global methylation level on the nuclear chromosomes (excluding mitochondrial genome) and pale blue represents the bisulfite reaction non-conversion rate for each library, calculated as the methylation levels on an unmethylated lambda phage DNA spike-in. b, Sequence motifs found surrounding the most highly methylated CpH positions in each brain sample. Only CpH positions with coverage ≥ 10x were considered. c, Methylation level (mC/C) for the top mCpH positions depicted in panel b. Boxplot centre lines are medians, box limits are quartiles 1 (Q1) and 3 (Q3), whiskers are 1.5 × interquartile range (IQR). Silhouettes of human, platypus, octopus and honeybee obtained from